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My Daily Bread (Day 50) – Blessed to Serve Others

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:8-10 [NKJV]

I think it is quite fair to say that I’ve been spending the last few days thinking a lot about everything that I have been receiving lately. It is on the receiving end of other people’s generosity, kindness and compassion that I felt such a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation. Not only that. It is through experiencing other people’s kindness and compassion that I’ve been reminded that when we are blessed by God in our lives, it not just because we can hold on to it and keep it for our own enjoyment and benefit. When God blesses us in our lives, it is so that we could be in a place/position to help others. It is also the very thing that I am determined to turn into my own personal life mission. Even though things in my life are only just beginning to improve and get better, I am already thinking much further ahead.

I’m thinking about how when it’s my turn, I want to help others. Like really help someone. Not for recognition or praises. In fact, I plan to do it quietly. Perhaps the less people know about it, the better. It is also in my recent life experiences that I’ve come to believe that when we are in a better place in life, we have an obligation to step up and be a blessing unto those who could benefit from our kindness and compassion.

The One Who Gives Freely, More is Received

Proverbs 11:24-25 [NKJV]

While I cannot speak for others, I can always speak from my own personal life experiences. Thinking back to those times in my life when I sincerely tried to help others while not expecting anything in return from them; God would in turn bless me back with an abundance. And just to be clear, I am not just referring to financial help only. It can be in many different forms when it comes to being a blessing unto others. It could be to help them deal with their addictions, or maybe a drug problem, or maybe they need help finding a job, or need help with school work. There are many ways that we can give our time and energy to help others.

The one thing we need to be very careful is to not slip into the mindset that what we have is our’s. I think God/Universe has a very interesting way of proving to us that not everything we have is truly our’s. Just as easy as we could have something today, we can just as easily lose it tomorrow. I’ve been there, so you know that I speak from experience. If you have something today, it is because God has decided to bless you with it. And it is up to you to see how you can take what you have now and to be of service to others. If you own a car, offer a neighbour a ride. If you have an extra heater for the winter, offer it to someone who doesn’t have one. I can think of so many other examples of how we can share and give to be a blessing towards others. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something big. It could be as small as offering our time and energy towards helping others.

Remember something that we have touched on in previous entries, “It is not about the what, but the attitude inside our hearts as we are doing the giving.”

Personal Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for reminding me of a lesson that I had recently forgotten. Thank You for blessing me by sending people into my life who were generous, kind and compassionate. It is by experiencing that from others that it has helped me to change my perspective around what it means to give and to be a blessing unto others.

While I don’t have much today (in terms of possessions or finances) to offer to others, I recognize that I have other things that I might be able to help offer to others (to be of service to them). I honestly needed the reminder that when it comes to being a blessing unto others, this is something that we don’t have to wait until the conditions are right. It’s not about “how much”, but rather the attitude of our hearts as we are giving.

Thank You for showing me some really great examples of what it means to be of service to others. I will keep it in mind, and look forward to being able to serve others as well.

I vow to give You all of the praise and glory. In Jesus’ name I pray.


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