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My Daily Bread (Day 46) – God is Always with Us

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Psalms 23:4 [NKJV]

Hey guys, I’m sorry if today’s daily bread entry was posted a little later than usual. I had lost one productive day yesterday due to some personal challenges and dealing with my anxieties, so I decided to take some today to fulfil my commitment to my part-time work. I have said that I would finish something yesterday, and since I already missed that target, I didn’t want to put things off. I told myself that I would focus on that first, get it done so that I could spend as much time as I want on my daily bread entry for today.

I’m currently still struggling with my allergic reaction that caused those tiny blisters on my fingers and feet. The itch is still there, but there is this cream that I have. Not sure how useful it is for relieving the itch, but without extra funds to go to the doctor to get a proper prescription, I have to just make do with what I already have. I want to apply some on my fingers too, but if I do that, I won’t be able to do my work today and I won’t be able to do this daily bread entry. So I’ll perhaps do it later.

Lately, with everything that is still going on in my life right now, and with the constant reminders of everything that I have been through in recent years, I believe that today’s word is a reminder that God is always with us. With what I had experienced in recent weeks, it’s like a confirmation/affirmation – Yes, I know now that even if I don’t seem to feel Him with me, He is always with me still.

Trusting Him Even When We Don’t Feel Him

Today, I am reminded of the many times when I was going through the toughest moments in my life and I honestly wondered if God was there with me. There were many moments/periods in my life where I really began to doubt that He was with me, or that He cared about the struggles I was experiencing. I felt like I was alone and on my own.

But it is also in the recent few weeks that I really began to understand that God has never abandoned me, nor did He ignore me. He just didn’t answer because there were lessons that I still have to learn, and He isn’t done working on me, humbling me and shaping me into who I needed to be. In hindsight today, I understand better now.

It is always easier to say that we have faith and trust in God when times are easy, and when it is convenient for us. But it is during moments of our greatest struggles and sufferings that our faith is really tested. Will we still continue to trust in Him and have faith that He is still with us. Clearly, it has taken me more than two years to find my way back into my faith. That also means that I did fail in trusting in Him when I was going through the worst struggles in my life. It was only in the recent weeks/months that I really found a way to keep trusting Him again (through this daily bread series).

Okay, I feel like my words aren’t as smooth or as effective as I normally am. I suppose mentally, I am still not in the best place right now. There are many things that I want to sort through today. In spite of my skin allergy situation, I am thinking of going for a run later to just clear my mind, and also to distract myself from the itch. And when I come back from my run, I can take a nice cold shower to hopefully relieve the itching.

Personal Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

I know that these couple of days have been kinda challenging and difficult, even for me. I have been struggling with my own anxieties and worries still. But I am also reminded that I have much to be grateful for and to appreciate.

Thank You for reminding me of the lesson that I have learned from the past two years plus of my life. Thank You for showing me that You are always with us (me) even during times in our lives where we wondered if You were there. I know that I failed to keep trusting You when things got really tough for me. I doubted You and I turned away from my faith.

But I am also thankful that You have brought me back into Your presence. In the last few weeks of my life, You have proven that You have always been with me, that you had never forsaken me. Now, I know that You are always with me, even when it doesn’t feel like it at times.

I will continue to put my trust in You because I know that nothing can keep us apart (and apart from Your love and grace).

I will always give You all of the praise and all of the glory. In Jesus’ name.


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