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My Daily Bread (Day 45) – All Things Will Work Out

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28 [NKJV]

As I am writing this daily bread entry today, I am currently also experiencing a condition called Dyshidrosis. It’s basically a condition that is caused by potential allergic reaction. I don’t always get it, but it does occur from time to time. Dyshidrosis is when clusters of blister start forming on my hands (fingers) and feet. At least according to the google searches, it is a result of allergic reactions. So I tried to apply some of the cream this morning, but I realized that I wanted to do my daily bread entry and I needed to type, so I wiped my fingers with some wet wipes and here I am. To be honest, I don’t know what is causing these blisters (allergic reaction), and I mean, I have no idea what caused the allergic reaction. Yes, it is causing me some itchiness right now. It’s a little irritating, but I am determined to push through that and get my daily bread entry done.

After that I also have a task that I hope to complete by today. Oh yeah, it is spreading to my feet. I just hope that the cream helps and the clusters of tiny blisters will dissipate.

Again, I am truly sorry for getting sidetracked again. But like I’ve said before, I’ll try to share an update with you guys whenever I can. Things are only going to start getting more hectic in the weeks and months to come. It’s not a complain, and it is not a bad thing in my view. Having a permanent job has been the greatest blessing ever! And to be able to find something that I have been working towards for nearly two decades?! That is something I have been wanting more than anything else. So yes, this is actually a good thing for me. All it means for me when it comes to writing my journal entries, is that I’ll probably do just one a week, or two a week. Everything else, I’ll just inject them into my daily bread entries when I can.

Wow! It has been a very very long time since I last wrote a daily bread entry that is centered around Romans 8:28. For those that don’t know, Romans 8:28 is actually one of my favourite bible verses and it is also the one that I have been clinging to a lot for the last few years. When things got really challenging and when I was having a lot of self-doubts, this is the verse that I would often come back to and remind myself that God is still in control even when everything feels so out of my control. This verse really helped to get me through some really difficult times.

Even right now, in this very moment, my challenges aren’t over yet. I’m still facing some financial challenges and I am still doing what I can to ensure that I have everything that I need to meet those challenges. There are days when I would wake up in the morning, and I would be reminded that my problems/challenges aren’t fully resolved yet. And in that immediate moment afterwards, I would be so tempted to just get into a worried mode, or start scrambling and acting out of anxiety. Yes, that would be me reacting based upon the challenges in my life. But that isn’t what I am trying to do. I am trying to change in the face of my current challenges. In spite of those challenges that I am still working to overcome, I hope to respond and not react to it. And I’m hoping that God will continue to provide me with the wisdom and self-control to do that every single day until my present challenges have been fully overcome.

Always Learning to Trust God That Everything Will be Okay

I think that is what the bible verse in Romans 8:28 is here to remind me of, that trusting God is always something that we need to learn on a daily basis. It’s not just something that we do one time and it’s done. No. Trusting God is something we need to do every single day of our lives, be it in bad or good times. It is about learning to trust that God always knows what is best for us. Even when we can’t see His plans for us working out, and we can’t see how our situation/circumstances will turn out, that He is already doing something to turn that situation into our favor.

When I decided to reach out to some people for help recently, my hope is that some of them would be empathetic or compassionate towards my challenges and be willing to help me out. That was my hope, yes. But I also understood that just because I have reached out to them for help, it doesn’t guarantee that they will be willing to help. But I am grateful that I did find a few people who were willing to provide me with that financial aid/support that I needed so much. When you try to consider the whole entire financial challenge, it isn’t only a fact to say that it is still not enough. I mean, I know I need some more if I want to really overcome this current challenge in my life. Yet, I am choosing to be really grateful for everything that others have done by coming to my aid in my greatest time of need.

So right now, in my current circumstances, I am learning to trust that God has already made a way for me to fully overcome my financial challenges, even if I can’t really see a way to get the remaining finances that I need. It is in moments like these that I will continue to remind myself of Romans 8:28, that everything will work out together for those who love Him.

And I know, somehow, I know that everything will be okay.

Personal Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for giving me the discipline and the strength to endure the itchiness in my fingers to type this daily bread entry. I’m glad that I didn’t make any excuses to not do today’s entry. Thank You for Your grace Lord.

Today, I am also reminded that even though my current financial challenges isn’t fully overcome yet, that I can continue to trust in You that You are still in control. Thank You for reminding me that with You, everything will work out together for the good for those who loves You. Thank You for reminding me that learning to trust You is something that I have to do on a daily basis.

Father God, even in this very moment, even if I can’t see how I can find the finances to make up the deficit that I will need, I know that You are already working on ways to help me meet the challenges, and eventually to overcome it fully. So right now, I am surrendering everything that I am currently facing into Your hands. I will trust that everything is going to be okay. In Jesus’ mighty name that I pray.


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